
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Oracle Important Links

I've listed a few of the Oracle sites and blogs I visit regularly (this is by no means an exhaustive list). Of course, I'd like you to spend a bit of time here on before you visit any of these!

favourite sites and blogs

  • Ask Tom
    Do I need to explain why? Is there an Oracle developer out there who doesn’t owe something to this site and the man behind it?
  • JL Computer Consultancy and Oracle Scratchpad
    Jonathan Lewis’s website and blog are absolutely essential online resources for anyone with an interest in understanding how Oracle works and how to get the most out of it.
  • Tanel Poder's Blog
    Tanel's excellent blog is purely technical, which to my mind is exactly what an Oracle blog should be. In addition to his technical research, articles and presentations, Tanel has also developed a range of really useful performance utilities.
  • Oracle-Base
    Tim Hall’s site of concise articles and new feature guides is one of the best resources for getting a feel for a new Oracle release, especially for database developers.
  • William Robertson
    William is a major contributor to Oracle developer forums, as well as being an Oracle ACE and a member of the Quest PL/SQL Pipelines panel of experts. His site has a lot of useful scripts and some excellent articles. Read his superb article on the evils of scripting against a database!
  • Steven Feuerstein's Cyberworld
    Steven Feuerstein's website, including all-things-PL/SQL and links to his other sites of interest to Oracle developers.
  • About Oracle
    Rob Van Wijk's excellent blog for Oracle developers, full of technical content and techniques.
  • Striving For Oracle Performance
    Christian Antognini's blog adds to the wealth of information he already provided in his Troubleshooting Oracle Performance book.
  • Oracle Related Stuff
    Randolf Geist's detailed blog for Oracle developers and DBAs with a particular interest in the Cost-Based Optimiser and its mechanics.
  • OraStory
    Dominic Brooks' blog for Oracle developers with an interest in performance and design.
  • Structured Data
    Greg Rahn's excellent blog for anyone with an interest in Oracle database performance.

oracle forums

  • OTN SQL-PL/SQL Forum
    Some very high quality Oracle developers share their knowledge on this forum.
  • OraFAQ
    I haven’t been there in a while, but I used to use this quite heavily. Has some good developers answering a lot of questions on a wide range of categories.

general oracle resources

Credit goes to the below website(s):

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