Use the Consolidated Billing Invoice program to print a single, monthly bill that includes all of a customer’s transactions for the period. This lets you send one consolidated bill to a customer, instead of a separate invoice for each transaction.
Attention: You cannot use the Consolidated Billing feature with the Imported Billing Number feature. Use the Imported
Billing Number when you want to group invoices other than on a monthly basis.
Attention: You cannot use the Consolidated Billing feature with the Imported Billing Number feature. Use the Imported
Billing Number when you want to group invoices other than on a monthly basis.
When you create a consolidated billing invoice, Receivables includes all invoices, credit memos, adjustments, receipts, and cross–site applications that are assigned to a customer bill–to site and have not been included on a previous consolidated billing invoice.
Attention: If a transaction has been included on a consolidated billing invoice, you cannot update it, regardless of
how you set the system option Allow Change to Printed Transactions. This is because Receivables considers inclusion
on a consolidated billing invoice to be an activity and you cannot update a transaction once it has activity against it.
(Other examples of activity include payments, credit memos, and adjustments.)
Attention: If a transaction has been included on a consolidated billing invoice, you cannot update it, regardless of
how you set the system option Allow Change to Printed Transactions. This is because Receivables considers inclusion
on a consolidated billing invoice to be an activity and you cannot update a transaction once it has activity against it.
(Other examples of activity include payments, credit memos, and adjustments.)
Statements and consolidated billing invoices are similar, but they have different purposes. The table below lists the differences between a statement and a consolidated billing invoice.

A consolidated billing invoice includes:
- All transactions that were created before the cutoff date that you specify and have not yet been included on a consolidated billing invoice
Note: When creating a consolidated billing invoice, you can specify a cutoff date and currency combination only once for a given customer.
- A beginning balance
- An itemized list of new charges (invoices, credit memos, and adjustments) in either summary or detail format
- Separate reporting of consumption tax
- The total amount of any payments received since the previous consolidated billing invoice
- The total balance due for this customer or bill–to site
Attention: The Consolidated Billing Invoice program does not select transactions from related customers.
Credit goes to the below website(s) :
I recommend billin. Using it for about a month. It’s cheap and easy to use.