
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Oracle Payment Tables - Brief Description

Below post will give you the brief details about some of the important Oracle Payments tables (IBY)

"This table contains records of the external bank accounts entered manually. This table corresponds to the Banking details page of supplier or customer. This table contains bank, branch, masking, encryption details of the externalbank accounts. This table should not be translated for any columns. This is a common table used by both Funds disbursement and funds Capture module.
This table contains records of the account owners of the external bank accounts entered manually. This table corresponds to the Banking details page of supplier or customer. When an external bank account is created a row will be stored in to this table as well as IBY_EXT_BANK_ACCOUNTS. The external bank account can be shared by multipleparties. When a joint owner is added to the external bank account, then one more entry with the joint owner details is entered in the IBY_ACCOUNT_OWNERS table. This table holds the primary flag, owner party identifier etc. details of the external bank account owner.This is a common table used by both Funds disbursement and Funds Capture modules.
"This table contains records of the relationship between payment instruments and Payer/Payee. Data can be entered manually.IBY_PMT_INSTR_USES_ALL table assigns payment instruments to external party payers and payees. This table is shared by both the funds disbursement and funds capture modules of Oracle Payments. The payment instruments can be credit cards, bank accounts, etc."
This table contains payment details of an external payer automatically created by the source product. For example when customer or customer site is created manually, system automatically insert row in to the IBY_EXTERNAL_PAYERS_ALL table.
A customer account can have multiple payers at following levels
·         Party
·          Site
·          Address
·          Address operating unit
This table contains the details of all such payers.
IBY_EXTERNAL_PAYERS_ALL stores payment-related attributes for the funds capture process for external party payers. This table stores the data entered through the payment details (header) screen of the customer account setup UI.
This table stores the credit card information for a customer
The data in this table will be created by the source products through the public API  IBY_FNDCPT_TRXN_PUB  using procedures : Create_Transaction_Extension and Copy_Transaction_Extension to register a Funds capture transaction.
IBY_FNDCPT_TX_EXTENSIONS table stores the payment processing-specific attributes of a source product's transaction. The payment entities and attributes include payment method, payment instrument assignment, and payment method-driven transaction attributes. The payment method-driven transaction attributes are credit card, security value, voice authorization flag,voice authorization code, and voice authorization date.
This table stores payment channel or method attribute applicability settings. 

Example  of SQL statement  :
SELECT attribute_applicability
  FROM iby_pmt_mthd_attrib_appl
 WHERE (payment_flow = 'FUNDS_CAPTURE')
   AND (payment_method_code = &pmt_chnel)
   AND (attribute_code = 'PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT');

This table contains the details of a payment request that are specific for basic credit card operations.

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