In R12 supplier payment method information no more exists in the ap_supplier_sites_all table.
Query to find the supplier payment method
SELECT ieppm.payment_method_code
FROM ap_supplier_sites_all assa,
ap_suppliers sup,
iby_external_payees_all iepa,
iby_ext_party_pmt_mthds ieppm
WHERE sup.vendor_id = assa.vendor_id
AND assa.pay_site_flag = 'Y'
AND assa.vendor_site_id = iepa.supplier_site_id
AND iepa.ext_payee_id = ieppm.ext_pmt_party_id
AND ((ieppm.inactive_date IS NULL) OR (ieppm.inactive_date > SYSDATE)
AND assa.vendor_site_id = :p_vendor_site_id
AND ieppm.primary_flag = 'Y'
ORDER BY sup.vendor_name, assa.vendor_site_code
Thanks a lot, I cant found the correct method code for suppliers, finally with this query I can.