
Sunday, May 5, 2013

AR Questionnaire

1)      Can you change the transaction number of an invoice after a transaction?
2)      Can you apply a receipt to a closed transaction?
3)      Where is the sales order number for a transaction saved?
4)      Can the payment terms be changed on posted invoice with no activity?
5)      How do you apply a credit memo to a transaction?
6)      What is the difference between cash basis accounting and accrual accounting?
7)      What are the different types of customer entry methods?
8)      Give the different classes of transactions.
9)      What are the different invoice entry methods?
10)  What are the journal entries created when a regular invoice is entered through    transactions window?
11)  When would you enter a debit memo for additional freight charges?
12)  What should be done if some invoices exist that have incorrect amounts?
13)  Suggest the steps taken if invoice is overcharged for freight.
14)  Suggest the steps taken if invoice has been overcharged and a credit must be issued for this invoice.
15)  Suggest the steps taken if invoice has been overcharged and a credit must be issued for this customer
16)  What will you do if an on account credit entered last month has to be applied to a specific invoice?
17)  What needs to be done if a credit balance exists on a specific invoice and ahs to be applied to another invoice?
18)  Define precision in terms of currency.
19)  What is cross validation?
20)  What are the three phases of autoinvoice? Explain each in short.
21)  Describe transaction flexfield in short.
22)  What are the four types of transaction flexfield?
23)   What are the different types of commitments?
24)  Explain the different types of commitments.
25)  Give the different steps for collections.
26)  Enlist different types of reports.
27)  What is autoinvoice exception handling?
28)  What are bills of exchange?
29)  Which spot rate will be used for the adjustment, the one for the original  
             transaction date or the one associated with the adjustment date?
30)  How to reverse an adjustment against an invoice?
31)  How to update the due date on an invoice within 11i?
      32) How to apply one Credit Memo to two different customers
      33) How to unapply credit notes once posted?
     34) How to cancel, delete or stop an invoice with rules?
     35) How to manually enter an invoice or debit memo in accounts receivable?
     36) What does credit memo request workflow enable?
     37) What are cross currency autolockbox and quickcash used for?

1.    What are the tax calculation types that can be setup in System options? explain their significance.

2.    What is the significance of the location flexfield structure?

3.    What are Tax-Codes  and exemptions and where they can be attatched?

4.    What is commitment? What is the difference between deposits and guarantee?

5.    What is Auto-accounting?

6.    What is Invoice-with-rule? What are the types?

7.    Explain Payment Term ?

8.    What are the means to respond to under-invoicing and over-invoicing?

9.    What is the difference between debit-memo, credit-memo and on-account credit?

10. How much adjustments can be done at the Line, Tax, Freight and invoice level to increase the amount?

11. How  the location-based-tax be setup and applied if the tax calculation type is VAT?

12. What is Credit-memo with rules?

13. Explain the terms
-        Remittance bank
-        Payment method
-        Receivable activities
-        Chargebacks
-        Factoring

14. What are the different Set-up options associated with receipts?

15. What is a Auto-Cash-Rule set and how is it used?

16. What are ageing buckets and dunning letters?
17. What are the different ways of reversing receipts?

18. What are the Receipts types?



1.      What is Customer Profile Class?
2.      What is Reciprocal Customer relationship?
3.      How can you reverse Customer merge process?


4.      What is the significance of the location flexfield structure?
5.      What is the difference between deposits and guarantee?
6.      What is Auto-accounting?
7.      What is Invoicing and Accounting rule?
8.      What are the means to respond to under-invoicing and over-invoicing?
9.      What is the difference between credit-memo and on-account credit?
10.   What is Chargeback?

Receipt and Collection

11.  What is a Auto-Cash-Rule set ?
12.  What is aging bucket?
13.  What is dunning letters?
14.  What is Factoring?
15.  What is Lockbox?

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