
Friday, July 5, 2013



1)   Inventory (INV)
a.    What is the use of the Item Attributes?
ANS:Item attributes are fields in the item table used to store specific characteristics of the item such as item status,unit of measure,revision control etc.
Attributes can be  controlled at either the master or the organization level.
It will store the structure name of the DDF only we can fill/store one structure.

b.    Which table holds the Master Vs child Organization Details?

c. What is the difference between ORG_ORGANIZATION_DEFINITIONS and
ANS:in org_organization_definitions we can know all the organization names But we cant differentiate what is master&child organization
But from mtl_parameters we can differ this.

d. If Master Organization doesn’t have any child organizations, this will be stored in
ANS:yes,it will be stored one record child organization will be as a master organization

e.What is the Item Template? Name some Predefined Templates?
Ans: We can define the properties of the Item automatically. Predefine Templates of Item is
·        Inventory Item
·        Stockable
·        Tansactable
·       Purchasable
·        Purchased                                Purchasing Tab
·        Allow description updates
·        Reservable

f. What is meant by Lot and Serial controlled item?
Serial Number
It is the unique representation of quantity for an Item.

Lot Number:-
It will group the item quantities.

g. How you can generate the Serial Numbers?’
Ans: In Inventory tab give Generation  : at receipt
                                          Starting Prefix : S
                                          Starting Number: 1
It will store mtl_serial_numbers

h. What are the different Transaction Types you know? What is the use of Transaction type?
Ans :

·        Miscellaneous Issue (RG update)
·        Miscellaneous Receipt (RG update)
·        Miscellaneous Issue
·        Miscellaneous Receipt

By using transaction types we can increase / decrease the item quantity

In which table I can see the transaction types?

i. What are the KFFs in Inventory Module?

1.    Account Aliases
2.    Item Catalogs
3.    Item Categories
4.    Sales Order
5.    Stock location
6.    System Items

j. What is the difference between MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B and
Ans: In MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B the segment stored in segment but MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_KFV concate all the segments and stores in to segment. It (KFV) mainly used in GL_code_combination for charge_account_id because the charge_account_id stored in different segments. If we use the KFV it concate all the segments and stores into the one segment.

k. What is the Item Category? What is the use of it?
Ans: By using Item Categories we can group the items which have similar properties.

Use :
·        Define the struction for category
·        Create category
·        Create category sets
·        Define the item and assign the item to category.

l. What is the Item Revision?
Ans: It represents the upgradation of item.

m. How I can get the default price in the PO form?
Ans: We can give the list price in purchasing tab. Then we can get the default price.

n. Which attributes need to be checked in order to get the item in PO form?
Purchasing Tab
·        Purchasable
·        Purchased
·        Allow description updates
n (1). What is the  DFF in Item Screen?
·        Late demands penalty :
·        Invoice UOM :
·        Graphical Link for web reqs:
·        Material over-capacity penalty:
·        Context:

Bills Of Materials (BOM)

o. What is the BOM? What you can do in BOM Module?
Ans: BOM means Bill of Materials. It is used to plan a manufacturing item.

p. What is the Bills and Routings?
Ans: Bills list the components which are used to manufacture the assembly items.
Routings list the departments and resourses which are used to manufacture the assembly item.

q. What is Intended Bill?
Ans: It shows the complete structure of an item.

r. Explain the Steps how to create the Bill and Routings with one example?
Ans :
1.    Create the items CPU, RAM, Processor and HD
2.    Define the cost for items. RAM-100, HD-100, Processor – 50
3.    Define bills CPU->RAM,HD, Processor
4.    Define resources S1, A1, P1 with costs
5.    Define Departments and assign resources to departments.
Sold dept : S1, S2, S3……………………Sn
Assm dept: A1, A2, A3……………………An
Pack dept : P1, P2 P3…………………….Pn

6.    Define Routings
CPU   sold  dept S1 1Hr
                Assm dept A1 1Hr
                Pack dept P1 1Hr

s. What are the setups required in order to create the Routings for the Assembly Item?
Ans: Same as above.

t. What are different types of BOMs we have? Explain?
Ans:  There are 5 types of BOMs.
1.    Standard – List mandatory components
2.    Option – List the components so that the customer choose the components.
3.    Model – List the components the customer can configure the items as per his requirement.
4.    Planning
5.    Product family.

u. What is the difference between ATO and PTO configuration?
Ans : ATO : Customer is giving order and we start manufacturing.
In PTO : We will check whether the configuration is available as per customer requirement. If available pick the item and ship to customer.

ATO -> Available to order
PTO-> Pick to Order

v. What is the Mutually Exclusive in BOM? When we can use it?
Ans : If we check mutually exclusive check box we can select only one item. Ie., either 2 GB RAM or 4 GB RAM
If it is unchecked we can select (or) default it will add all the items.

w. What is the Planned and Family Product BOM?
Ans: Planned is used for only forecasting purpose.
In product family we can group the items which have similarities in manufacturing an processing.

Planned and Product family both are only for our internal purpose only.

Purchasing (PO)
x. What is the P2P cycle? Explain in details along with tables?
Ans:P2P cycle means Procure to pay cycle in this cycle we will perform following steps
    1)creating the requisition
    2)creating RFQ’s
    3)Creation Of Quotations
    4)creation of purchase Order
    5)creating Of Receipts
    6)creation Of invoice
    7)making payments
y. Have you got any error while opening the PO form?
Ans:yes,your not  set up as  worker to access this form you need to be a worker.
z. What are the setups required in order to raise the PO?
Ans :create requisition and approve and make employee as buyer.
a. What is the difference between Preparer and Requestor in the Requisition form?
Ans :preparer:
Who is authorized to create requisition
Requester:who  is requesting for making requisition.
Prepairer has rides to create requisition but requester does’t have any rides to create this case requester request the prepairer to create the requisition.
b. How can I get the item price automatically in the Requisition or PO forms?
Ans:By entering the list price in purchasing tab when item is created.
c. What attributes need to set in order to get the Item in Purchasing Module?
Ans:purchased  , purchasable and allow description updates.
d. RFQs, Quotations and POs are stored in the same tables PO_HEADERS_ALL,
PO_LINES_ALL and PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.How you can differentiate these
Ans :
e. Give the query to extract the ‘Catalog’ RFQs details?
Ans :select*from po_headers_all where type_looup_code=’RFQ’ and quote_type_lookup_code=’Catalog’
f. What is the difference between PO_LINES_ALL and PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL?
Ans :po_lines_all table
g. What is the Difference Between Standard and Planned PO? Explain with one example?
Ans :standard it is used for one time purchasing here we know item name ,price and qty shift location and shipment Id
Plannedpo     it is also similar to standard po but it is used for future reservations here there will be agreement unlease (frelease will acts like actual order)
h. Explain one scenario when you will choose Blanket and Contract PO?
Ans :Blanket Po is choosed when we know item name and price while releasing we will mention qty shift location shipment date
Contract:in  case  of contract po  we know only agreement amount here we can purchase any item from supplier.
i. After creating Planned PO, can I create the receipt? If not then when I can create the
Ans :No,first we need to approve the planned po and release the po then only we can create receipt.
j. What are the tables effected after creating Blanket and Standard PO?
Ans :standard:po_headers_all,po_lines_all,po_line_locations_all,po_distributions_all
Blanket: po_headers_all,po_lines_all,po_line_locations_all
k. What is the difference between Agreements and Releases?
Ans :
 l. Explain the Process how you can release the Contract PO?
Ans :we an release the contact po througt standard po
Navigation:poàpoàtype=’standard po’,supplier=’3M health care’ enter supplier and site as in contact po
Click on reference document  then enter line details and approve.
m. Why you can’t release the Contract PO through the Releases?
Ans :In release mentioning the line number mandiatory but contract po does’t have lines.
n. Can I change the PO details once it is approved?
Ans :yes by querrying po number we can change the details, but we need re approve the po.
o. How can I know that how many times a PO is changed after approved?
p. Planned Agreement and Releases location details will be stored in the same table
PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL. Then how you can differentiate Agreement and
And :by using release_id,if  release id is null it is agreement po ,if it contain value it is release.
q. Which table will holds the details of the PO approver?
r. What is significance of the PO_ACTION_HISTORY table?
Ans :
Select*from po_headers_all where segment1=’6025’
Select*from po_action_history where object_id=110306 and object type_code=’PO’
And Obect_sub_tgype_code=’STANDARD’
s. What is the Match approvals and how many types are there?
Ans :By using this  we can meake sure that invoice is generated for the goods we have ordered.
We have 3 types of Match Approvals
   Qty Billed<=po Qty
   Invoice Bill<=Po amount.
2)3Way: Qty Billed<=po Qty
Qty Bill<=Received Qty
 Invoice Bill<=Po amount
  3)4Way: Qty Billed<=po Qty
      Qty Bill<=Received Qty
      Qty Bill<=accepted  Qty
    Invoice Bill<=Po amount
t. What are different types of Receipts?
Ans : we have 3 types of receipts
1)direct delivery
2)standard receipt
3)inspection required.
u. What are the Receipt tables?
v. What is the transaction type in RCV_TRANSACTIONS?
Ans :receive,delever,accept,reject
w. I have created PO (#123) in ‘Hyderabad’ Operating Unit?5 mouses have to be shipped
to ‘Pune’ Organizations,10 Mouse have to be shipped to ‘Noida’ organization? Explain
how you can create the Receipt?
Ans : change organization name go to purchasing go to noida
x. What is the Receipt tolerance level?
Ans :go to receivingcontrols-à we will find tolerance tab
y. Can I change the ship-to location while creating Receipt?
Ans : yes we can change.
z. How can I forward the PO document to others in order to approve?
a. Explain about Approval Hierarchy in PO with example?
Ans :to approve the po we need to create  approval groups and approval assignments
1)create the employee
2)create the job and position
3)assign job and position to employee
4)create approval group
5)create approval manager.
b. What is the Approval Group?
Ans :by using approval group we can knows  which type of document  and how much amt  we  canapprove .
c. How you can find which Approval Hierarchy you are using?
Ans :by using this tables
d. What is the Approval Manager?
Ans:by using  Approval Manager we can know how much amt we can approve
e. Explain the tables of Approval Hierarchy?
f. What is the Auto Create?
Ans : by using this we can create po directly by using  requisition number.
Account Payables (AP)
g. What are the different types of Invoices?
Ans: we have following types of invoices in ap
1.stadard, memo,3.debit memo,4.expence report,5.prepayments,6.retaiage release,7.transponrtation inv,8.with hold taxes,9.mixed.
h. What is the difference between Credit Memo and Debit Memo.Explain the Process with example when you can use this?
Ans:In credit memo supplier will create negative amt invoice.    
  In Debit memo invoice customer will create negative amount invoice.
Suppose customer order 10 items but suppiers sent 8 items and created invoice for 10 items in   this setuation if suppier creates  negative invoice it is called credit memo invoice.
If supplier creates negative amount invoice then it is debit memo invoice.
i. What is the PO Default?
j. Explain the Process how you can create the Invoice against the Purchase Order?
Ans:craete the po and copy the po number
Sw r to payable vision operations
Navigate to invoices the in lines enter type,po number inv date ,inv no,amount etc.
k. What is the Recurring invoice and when we can use this?
Ans :
l. Why you are doing ‘Create Accounting’?

m. What is the difference between Charge and Liability?
n. What are the Invoices Tables?
o. Which table holds the Invoice Accounting information?
p. Which table gives the information about how much money we have paid for the
q. What is the importance of the PAYMENT_STATUS_FLAG in AP_INVOICES_ALL
Ans :By using payment_staus_flag we can know wheather the payment is  paid by customer or not.
r. What is the hold? Which table contains the hold details?
Ans : hold is used to stop the next process
s. Explain some scenarios when you have encountered the holds?

t. Where you can see the hold Details in front-end?
Ans : To view the hold details go to actions button  click on action and select hold name then ok then click on holds tab then we can view the hoilds details.
u. How you can release the holds?
Ans :To release holds go to action button gthe select release hold with proper reason and click on release.then hold will be released.
v. Can we release all type of holds?
Ans :no
w. What are the payment Tables?
x. What is the Payment Terms? Which table holds these details?
Ans:by using payment terms we can know  how much amount will be paid with the particular period
y. What is the Distribution Set? Which table holds these details? Explain when we can
use it?
Ans: By using Distribution set we can devide the amount into different accounts automatically
Automatically amounts will be splitted into specified accounts.

Order Management (OM)
z. What is the Order Type? In which table I can see these details?
Ans:order type says that which type of order we  are generating.
a). What is the Price list? What is the Relation between price list and OM?
Ans :by using price list we can sell the same item for different prices.
If we want to get default price for the item in OM  wde need to define price list.
b. How can I can get the Item Price in the OM form? Can I override this price?
Ans:by definning price list yes u can over ride.
c. In which columns I can see the price list price and over ride price for particular sales
Ans: oe_order_lines_all. unit_price
Order Line?
d. While writing the query how you can get the line number?
Ans :select oola.line_number||’.’||oola.shipment_number

e. Explain the O2C cycle?
Ans: 1 Entered(entering the item details raughly)
         2 Avaiting Shipping(Booked)(Agreement will be started)
         3 Picked(Reserving Item,Qty not decreased)
         4 Shipped(Item Shifted,Qty decreased)
         5 Closed(Order closed)
         6 Create the Invoice(Work flow back ground program will tranfor the records from  OM to AR interface table,  Run Auto invoice Import Program to move from AR interface to base table).
         7 Receive money

f. What are the basic setups you have done in order to create the Sales Order?
Ans:In ordere to create sales order we have to done following steps
       1 Booking the order
       2 Picking the order
       3 Shippig bthe Order
       4 Closing the order
g. What are the different statuses you got?
Ans: While creating sales order we come across the following statuses
       1 entered
       2 avaiting shipping
       3 picked
       4 shipped
       5 closed
h. What is the difference between Picked and shipped?
Ans: After picking Qty of item won’t be redused as just we are reserving the item but
After shipped the Qty of item will be redused.
i. Name the Programs will be submitted after each and every stage? Ex: Picked and
shipped etc.
Ans: For Picking:
   1 Pick selection list generation
   2 Pick slip report
   3 shipping exception report
For Shipping:
   1 Bill of landing
   2 Packing Slip Report
   3 Commercial invoice
   4 Vehicle load sheet details
   5 Interface trip stop
j. What is significance of the Bill of Landing Program?
k. If I pick the item what are the tables will be effected. Give more than 7 tables?
Ans: while picking the order the following 7 tables will be effected
l. What is the Transaction Type for Picking and shipping?
Ans : For Pickling:
      Transaction Type= Sales Order Pick
         For Shipping
       Transaction Type = Sales Order Isuue.
m. How you can send the data from OM to AR?
Ans :Work flow back ground program will tranfor the records from  OM to AR interface table,  Run Auto invoice Import Program to move from AR interface to base table.
n. What are the Interface tables and Standard Program for AR?
Stadard Prog: Auto Invoice Import Program.
o. What is the relation between OM and AR?
Ans:In Om after closing sales order ,in AR supplier will create the invoice and send to customer so that customer can pay amount and supplier will receive payments.
p. What are the delivery tables?
q. Explain the situation when we can go for Drop Shipment and Back to Back Order?
Ans: When supplier is not having item to delever to customer in this setuation supplier will go for drop shipment or back to back order.
r. What is the Drop shipment? How you can make one Sales order line as a Drop
shipment? Explain the Process and tables in each and every stage?
Ans:customer orders items to supplier,but supplier doesn’t have the item to delever to the customer ,so supplier will contact third party this is drop shipment.
By giving column sourse type External
s. What is the Back to Back order? How you can make one Sales order line as a B2B
Order? Explain the Process and tables in each and every stage?
t. What are the advantages and dis-advantages of Drop shipment?
Ans :adv:
No need of inventory
Shipping time is less.
Shipping price is less.
Wide range of items can be delevered.

Dis Adv:
After no of times interactions between customer and third party  third party can make direct contract with customer.Here supplier have achance to loose the contract

u. What is the Back Ordered?
v. If Items are not available while picking the Items then what will happen to Sales Order
w. Can I create one Normal line, one Drop shipment line and B2B line in one Order?
x. Can customer return the good? How you can do this one in OM?
y. What is RMA?
z. What will happen if I apply the holds?
Ans : Hold is used to stop the process due to some reasons
Ex: customer not paid money regularly
a. What is the difference between applying the holds between headers and lines?
Ans : If we apply holds on headers it will be applicable to lines also but if we apply hold to a line it will applicable particular line only.

b. Which table contains the holds Details?
c.    Explain the Process how to apply and release the holds?
Ans:applying the hold:
We can apply the  hold in headers as well as lines also to apply the hold  go to shipping tab click on action button select hold name from drolp down list
And enter hold comments the click on ok.
Releasing the hold:
Click on actions button select release hold and enter proper reason and click on release then hold will be released.
d. What is the use of ‘Configurator’ button in OM screen?
Ans :customer can configer the item
Ex: if the customer wants to select cpu of 4gb(out of 2gb,4gb) then we are using cofiguratot.
e)Explain the Process of Internal Sales Order?
Ans : internal sales order means normal sales order in OM

Account Receivables (AR):
f. What are the different types of invoices (Transactions) we have?
Ans :we have following types of invoices in  AR
 1. invoice, memo, 3.Deposite,4.guarentee, and Charge back.
g. What are the Transaction (Invoice) Tables?

h. What is the difference between Deposit and Guarantee?
Ans in case of deposite:it is used to give some money in advance to the customer.
For Guarentee: Guarentee is also like a deposite that original amount
Won’t be redused from guarantee amount but in case of deposite original amount will be redused from deposite amount.

i. What is the Chargeback? When you can use it?
 Ans :Charge back is used to cancel the amount.
j. Can I create or credit  memo and debit memo against one invoice? If so explain how I
can create?
k. What is the applied and unapplied amount in Receipts?
Ans :
l. What are the Receipt Tables?
Ans :Cash Recipts:
m. What is the Auto-lock Box? Explain the Process?
Work in Process (WIP)
n. What is WIP.What is the use of this module?
Ans:WIP stands for Work In Process. In this module we can manufacture the items. Manufacturing of Items takes place in two ways in Oracle Apps.

1.    Discrete Manufacturing
2.    Process Manufacturing

1. Discrete Manufacturing :

It uses Bills of Materials for manufacturing the items. We can de-assemble the Items which are prepared through DM.
Ex: CPU, Laptop.

2.Process Manufacturing :

It uses formulas for manufacturing the components.
We cannot de-assemble the items which are prepared through PM.
Eg: Food products.

Apps will support DM through WIP module.
Apps will support PM through Oracle Process Management (OPM) Module

o. What are the different Job statuses we have?
Ans:  We have 5 types of Job Statuses, ie., Unreleased, Released, Complete, Cancelled, Onhold.

p. Explain the Process how you can manufacture the item in WIP?
1.    Create the job : Here the status will be unreleased
2.    Change the status from unreleased to released manually
3.    Now perform the inter operation steps : here now the jobs status will be completed.
4.    Close the job.

q. How many types of jobs we have?
Ans : We have 2 types of Jobs ie., Standard and Non Standard Jobs.

r. What is the difference between Standard and Non Standard Jobs?
Ans : Standard Jobs is used for manufacturing a new item (based on BOM) whereas Non Standard Job is used for reparing, deassembling, etc.,

s. What is the use of Supply types?
Ans : By using Supply types we can state that when material has to be consumed from sub inventory.

t. What are the different supply types we have?
Ans : We have 6 types of supply types.

Assembly Pull, Operation Pull, Push, Supplier, Bulk and Based on Bill.

u. What is the different between Assembly Pull and Operation Pull?
Ans: In Assembly Pull material will be consumed from sub inventory after completion  of operation only.

In Operation pull material will be consumed from sub inventory once the operation is started.

v. What is the ‘push’ Supply Type?
Ans : In Push Supply type we need to supply the material manually before starting the process.
w. What are the different Intra-operation Steps we have? Explain each and every one?
1.    Queue
2.    Run
3.    To Move
4.    Receipt
5.    Scrap

Assemblies at this step are waiting for you to perform an action.

Assemblies at this step are being run ie., work is going on.

3.    To move

Assemblies at this step are completed and waiting for the next operation if available

4.    Receipt:
Assemblies at this step are rejected and waiting for repair.

5.    Scrap

Assemblies are this step are useless (We cant use them at all, they should be thrown away)

x. What are the basic setups required to create the job?
Ans: We require two steps to create a job.

1.    Defining Parameters:
Here we are mentioning the supply sub inventories from which material has to be taken to manufacture the item and what kind of inter operations steps to perform,etc.,

2.    Defining WIP accounting class:
Here we are capturing details in different accounts like material, material over head, resource etc.,

y. Name the tables and use of it you came across in WIP Module?
WIP_Paramaters : To check from which sub inventory material has been consumed.
WIP_accounting_classes:  To capture the operation details in different accounts.
WIP_operations : To view what department are used in manufacturing the item.
WIP_requirement_operations : To view what components used to manufacture the items.
WIP_operation_resources : To view what resources used to manufacture the item.
z. Explain the process how you can man


  1. Hi Girish,

    Your blog has been very helpful. I have a question with regards to using Web Adi to create AR cash receipts and apply them to sales invoices.

    Do you know if it has been done previously or can it be done.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. it is very useful....................


  4. Regards
    Sridevi Koduru (Senior Oracle Apps Trainer
    Please Contact for One to One Online Training on Oracle Apps Technical, Financials, SCM, SQL, PL/SQL, D2K at | +91 - 9581017828.
