
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Data (FNDWFPR)

Use the standard concurrent program FNDWFPR "Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Data" to purge old data from the Oracle Workflow tables regularly.

This program purges obsolete runtime information associated with work items, including status information, any associated notifications, and, if the ECX: Purge ECX data with WF profile option is set to Y, any associated Oracle XML Gateway transactions. By default, it also purges obsolete design information, such as activities that are no longer in use and expired ad hoc users and roles, and obsolete runtime information not associated with work items, such as notifications that were not handled through a workflow process and, if the ECX: Purge ECX data with WF profile option is set to Y, Oracle XML Gateway transactions that were not handled through a workflow process. You can optionally choose to purge only core runtime information associated with work items for performance gain during periods of high activity, and purge all obsolete information as part of your routine maintenance during periods of low activity.
Note: This program does not delete ad hoc users or roles whose expiration date is null. To ensure that ad hoc users and roles are purged in a timely fashion after they are no longer needed, estimate how long they should be active and specify an appropriate expiration date when you call WF_DIRECTORY.CreateAdHocUser()WF_DIRECTORY.CreateAdHocRole(), or WF_DIRECTORY.CreateAdHocRole2() to create them.
To preserve electronic signature evidence for future reference, this program by default does not delete any notifications that required signatures or their associated signature information. If you do not need to maintain signature evidence, you can choose to delete signature-related information as well.
Navigate to the Submit Requests form in Oracle E-Business Suite to submit the Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Data concurrent program. When you install and set up Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle Workflow, your system administrator needs to add this concurrent program to a request security group for the responsibility that you want to run this program from. See: Overview of Concurrent Programs and Requests, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Configuration and Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.
You can supply the following parameters for the Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Data concurrent program:

  • Item Type - The item type to purge. Leaving this field blank defaults to purging the runtime data for all item types.
  • Item Key - The item key to purge. Leaving this field blank defaults to purging the runtime data for all item keys.
  • Age - Minimum age of data to purge, in days. The default is0.
  • Persistence Type - The persistence type to be purged, either Temporary or Permanent. The default is Temporary
  • Core Workflow Only - Enter 'Y' to purge only obsolete runtime data associated with work items, or 'N' to purge all obsolete runtime data as well obsolete design data. The default is 'N'.
  • Commit Frequency - The number of records to purge before the program commits data. To reduce rollback size and improve performance, set this parameter to commit data after a smaller number of records. The default is 500 records.

    Note: After performing a commit, the program resumes purging work items with the next subsequent begin date. In some cases, if additional items have the same begin date as the last item that was purged before a commit, the program may not purge all eligible items. To purge these remaining work items, simply rerun the program.
  • Signed Notifications - Enter 'N' to preserve signature evidence, including notifications that required electronic signatures and their associated signature information. Enter 'Y' to purge signature-related information. The default is 'N'.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Girish,
    really very useful and knowledgeable info. Very Nice. I saw OReder Management ... very depth knowledge. Thanks a lot man..

