select *
from mtl_system_items_b msib
where msib.segment1='TEST-GJ1';
select *
from mtl_onhand_quantities_detail
where inventory_item_id=9727542;
select *
from mtl_onhand_quantities --view
where inventory_item_id=9727542;
select ooha.flow_status_code, ooha.*
from oe_order_headers_all ooha
where order_number=11067733;
select oola.flow_status_code, oola.*
from oe_order_lines_all oola
where header_id=40757700;
select wdd.released_status, wdd.*
from wsh_delivery_details wdd
where source_header_id=40757700; --R(Ready to release), B(), C()
select wda.delivery_id, wda.*
from wsh_delivery_assignments wda
where delivery_detail_id=20924729;
select *
from wsh_new_deliveries
where delivery_id=8723686;
select *
from mtl_txn_request_headers
where 1=1
and request_number=23344489;
--and trunc(creation_date)=trunc(sysdate);
select *
from mtl_txn_request_lines
where header_id=23344490;
select *
from mtl_reservations
where inventory_item_id=9727542;
select *
from mtl_material_transactions
where inventory_item_id=9727542;
select *
from ra_interface_lines_all
where interface_line_attribute1='11067733';
select *
from ra_customer_trx_all
where trx_number='11071374';
select *
from ra_customer_trx_lines_all
where customer_trx_id=5888998;
select rcda.event_id, rcda.*
from ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all rcda
where customer_trx_line_id=8918096;
select *
from xla_events
where event_id=46887553;
select *
from xla_ae_headers
where event_id=46887553;
select *
from xla_ae_lines
where ae_header_id=23181811;
select *
from gl_interface
where reference26=46887553;
select *
from gl_je_batches
where name='Receivables A 10207531 81076218';
select *
from gl_je_headers
where je_batch_id=14085655;
select *
from gl_je_lines
where je_header_id=24716354;
select *
from gl_balances
where ledger_id=2022
and code_combination_id in (3006,
and period_name='Aug-16'
and trunc(last_update_date)=trunc(sysdate);
select *
from ar_cash_receipts_all acra
where receipt_number='RECEIPT_11067733';
select acrha.event_id, acrha.*
from ar_cash_receipt_history_all acrha
where cash_receipt_id=11822798;
select *
from ar_receivable_applications_all
where cash_receipt_id=11822798;
select *
from ar_payment_schedules_all
where cash_receipt_id=11822798;
select *
from xla_events
where event_id=46887554;
select *
from xla_ae_headers
where event_id=46887554;
select *
from xla_ae_lines
where ae_header_id=23181812;
select *
from gl_interface
where reference26=46887554;
select *
from gl_je_batches
where name='Receivables A 10207532 81076345';
select *
from gl_je_headers
where je_batch_id=14085657;
select *
from gl_je_lines
where je_header_id=24716356;
select *
from gl_balances
where ledger_id=2022
and code_combination_id in (3006,
and period_name='Aug-16'
and trunc(last_update_date)=trunc(sysdate);
Good Stuff.. Thanks for sharing.
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