
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Advanced Product Catalog Tables

EGO_ACTION_DISPLAYS_BThis table contains particulars for UI interface for the actions.
EGO_ACTION_GROUPS_BThis table contains information regarding User-Defined Actions Groups. (This table is obsolete)
EGO_ACTION_GROUPS_TLThis table contains transalated data for User-Defined Actions Groups. (This table is obsolete)
EGO_ACTIONS_BThis table contains information about User-Defined Actions.
EGO_ACTIONS_DLThis table is used to store the Visibility flag(enabled/disabled) for actions seperately for each data level
EGO_ACTIONS_TLThis table contains TL related information about User-Defined Actions. Base table is EGO_ACTIONS_B
EGO_ACTN_GRP_ENTRIES_BThis table contains the User-Defined Actions included in an User-Defined Actions Groups. (This table is obsolete)
EGO_AML_INTFThis table is used to store the interface records for AML
EGO_ATTR_GROUP_COLS_INTFEGO_ATTR_GROUP_COLS_INTF temporarily stores the definitions for
attributes before loading this information into Oracle Advanced
Product Catalog.
This table contains user friendly columns which allow you to easily
enter your data as well a
EGO_ATTR_GROUP_DLThis table is used to store the data level information enabled for an attribute group.
attribute group data level before loading this information into Oracle Advanced
Product Catalog.
This table contains user friendly columns which allow you to easily
EGO_ATTR_GROUPS_INTERFACEEGO_ATTR_GROUPS_INTERFACE temporarily stores the definitions for
attribute groups before loading this information into Oracle Advanced
Product Catalog.
This table contains user friendly columns which allow you to easily
enter your data as
EGO_ATTR_GRPS_ASSOC_INTERFACEInterface Table for associating Attribute Group  to an ICC
EGO_ATTR_MAPPING_MASTERThis table is used to store Mapping master information for a given Source System.
EGO_ATTR_MAPPING_ROWSThis table is used to store Mapping row for each attribute.
EGO_BULKLOAD_INTFPlace holder table to populate data from excel using result format Id into appropriate interface tables/columns. This table is for internal use only.
EGO_BUSINESS_EVENTS_TRACKINGThis table is used to store all EGO business events name and its payload
EGO_CAT_GRP_MFG_ASSOCSThis table contains Preferred Manucfacturer list for a given catalog category.
EGO_CAT_GRP_RPT_TEMPLATESThis table is used to store associations between item catalog groups and XML publisher templates
EGO_CAT_GRP_TEMPLATESTable contains the Catalog Category to template associations
EGO_CATG_MAP_DTLSThis table contains the category mapping imformation.
EGO_CATG_MAP_HDRS_BBase table to store Category Mappings.
EGO_CATG_MAP_HDRS_TLTable to store translated values for Category Mapping name and description.
EGO_CRITERIA_EXTThis table is used to store the extra Matching attributes for every Criteria
EGO_CUSTOMIZATION_EXTThis is an extension table of AK_CUSTOMIZATIONS; it adds classifications1,2,3
EGO_CUSTOMIZATION_RFThis table stores customizations and customizations they reference.
EGO_DATA_LEVEL_BThis table stores the data level information for the different objects/attributes in an application.
EGO_DATA_LEVEL_TLThis table is used to store the translatable information of data level metadata information.
EGO_DEFAULT_OPTIONSThis table stores default values for various option_codes used for defining the system behavior during vaious assign operations like assigning items to organization.
EGO_DM_CAT_PRIVILEGE_MAPThis table is used to store the mapping between document catagory and view privilage for every entity
EGO_ENTITY_DEF_SYSTEMS_BThis table stores association of Default target systems for an Entity.
EGO_EXT_SYS_ELEMENTSThis table is used to store XML Schema Definitions.
EGO_EXTERNAL_SYS_ATTR_MAPThis table is used to store the external system's Attribute Mapping definition
EGO_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_DEFThis table is used to store the external system definition
EGO_FLEX_VALUE_INTFThis table stores the values of a given value set.
EGO_FLEX_VALUE_SET_INTFThis table stores the value set.
EGO_FLEX_VALUE_TL_INTFThis table stores valid values for flexfield segments in each of the installed languages.
EGO_FLEX_VALUE_VERSION_BThis table stores information of versioned values for a value set,if it value set is versioned.
EGO_FLEX_VALUE_VERSION_TLThis table stores Transalated values of a Versioned Value Set.All the translatable field like decription,translated text
stores in this table
EGO_FLEX_VALUESET_VERSION_BThis table stores information of versioning for a value set,if it is versioned.
EGO_FND_DF_COL_USGS_EXTThis table contains metadata information about Attributes
EGO_FND_DSC_FLX_CTX_EXTThis table contains metadata information about Attribute Groups. This table is an extension on FND_DECR_FLEX_CONTEXTS.
EGO_FND_FLX_VAL_STS_EXTTo identify the Value sets created by EGO team
EGO_FND_OBJECTS_EXTWrapper for the FND_OBJECTS table for storing additional properties for the object, used by extfwk
EGO_FUNC_PARAMS_BThis table stores the parameters defined for a User-Defined Functions
EGO_FUNC_PARAMS_INTERFACEEGO_FUNC_PARAMS_INTERFACE temporarily stores information about Function Parameters.
This table is used by Metadata open interface to import Function Parameters.
EGO_FUNC_PARAMS_TLHold the language dependent properties of the function parameters. Base table is EGO_FUNC_PARAMS_B
EGO_FUNCTIONS_BThis table stores information about User-Defined Functions
EGO_FUNCTIONS_INTERFACEEGO_FUNCTIONS_INTERFACE temporarily stores information about Functions.
This table is used by Metadata open interface to import Functions.
EGO_FUNCTIONS_TLThis table stores transalatable information about User-Defined Functions. Base table is EGO_FUNCTIONS_B
EGO_GENERIC_TEMPThis table is for internal use by the EGO UI
EGO_GLOBAL_BUTTONTable for Global Buttons (This table is obsolete)
EGO_GTIN_SETUPThis table stores the setup data for gtin
EGO_GTN_ATTR_CHG_BThis table is used to store Pending Changes Developer Defined Attr Groups Information
EGO_GTN_ATTR_CHG_TLThis table is used to store Pending Changes Developer Defined Attr Groups Translatable Information
EGO_GTN_MUL_ATTR_CHG_BThis table is used to store Pending Changes Developer Defined Multirow Attr Groups Information
EGO_GTN_MUL_ATTR_CHG_TLThis table is used to store Pending Changes Developer Defined Multirow Attr Groups Translatable Information
EGO_IMAGESInformation about the Images (This table is obsolete)
EGO_IMPORT_BATCH_CHANGESThis table stores all the change objects created for a batch
EGO_IMPORT_BATCHES_BThis table stores information on import batches
EGO_IMPORT_BATCHES_TLThis table stores translatable names of batches
EGO_IMPORT_COPY_OPTIONSThis table stores the options that user chooses from UI in the create/copy item flow
EGO_IMPORT_EXCLUDED_SS_ITEMSThis table stores the excluded source system items
EGO_IMPORT_OPTION_SETSThis table stores default options for a source system or an import batch
EGO_INBOUND_MSG_EXTThis table stores the last message timestamp of messages received from other systems
EGO_INCLUDED_BUSINESSENTITIESThis table stores the business entities that a ruleset includes
EGO_INCLUDED_RULESETSThis table stores which the inclusions of one ruleset in another ruleset
EGO_INTERFACE_TLThis table is used to store unimported translatable entries.
EGO_ITEM_ASSOCIATIONSThis table is used to store item associations
EGO_ITEM_ASSOCIATIONS_INTFThis table is used to store the interface records for item associations
EGO_ITEM_CAT_DENORM_HIERThis table is used to store the denormalized hierarchy of item catalog groups
EGO_ITEM_CUST_ATTRS_BThis table stores the customer specific GTIN atttributes
EGO_ITEM_GTN_ATTRS_BThis table stores the single row, untranslated global trading item number atttributes
EGO_ITEM_GTN_ATTRS_TLThis table stores the single row, translated global trading item number atttributes
EGO_ITEM_MATCHESThis table stores all the matched items for a source system item within a batch.
EGO_ITEM_PEOPLE_INTFThis is the Interface table used for Item People Grants Import.
EGO_ITEM_PROJECTSThis table stores the associations between items/revisions and projects/tasks.
EGO_ITEM_TEXT_TLTable used to maintain Oracle Text Index for Item Search.
EGO_ITEM_TP_ATTRS_EXT_BThis table stores the Trading Partner specific attribute values for an Item. This table is used in UCCnet Industry extensions.
EGO_ITEM_TP_ATTRS_EXT_TLThis table stores the Translatable Trading Partner specific attribute values for an Item. This table is used in UCCnet Industry extensions.
EGO_ITEM_TRANS_ATTRS_BProof of concept table for Transaction Attributes
EGO_ITEM_TRANS_ATTRS_TLThis table stores the translatable transaction attribute values for an item.
EGO_ITEMS_ATTRS_CHANGES_BHolds the data for item attributes which is to be implemented or is already implemented through a change order
EGO_ITEMS_ATTRS_CHANGES_TLHolds transalatable data for item attributes which is to be implemented or is already implemented through a change order
EGO_ITM_GTN_MUL_ATTRS_BThis table stores the multi row, untranslated global trading item number atttributes
EGO_ITM_GTN_MUL_ATTRS_TLThis table stores the multi row, translated global trading item number atttributes
EGO_ITM_USR_ATTR_INTRFCInterface table for user attributes
EGO_ITMATTR_APPL_USGS_BThis table stores item attributes that are "enabled" for other applications; "enabled" is interpreted per application.
EGO_LANGUAGE_SETTINGSTable contains Settings for Languages(This table is obsoleted)
EGO_LCPHASE_ITEM_STATUSThis table contains phases and all possible statuses in this phase
EGO_LCPHASE_POLICYTable is obsoleted
EGO_LOGIN_ITEMS_TEMPThis is a temporary table used during Item People Grants Import, to store the items accessible by the Login user
EGO_MAPPINGS_BHolds the mapping data for attribute to parameter mapping of a function
EGO_MASSUPDATE_ITEM_TMPThis table holds the Item data for Mass Update flows
EGO_MASSUPDATE_ORG_TMPThis table holds the Organization data for mass update flows
EGO_MFG_PART_NUM_CHGSThis table stores pending and history data for Approved Manufacturers
EGO_MINOR_REVISIONSThis table is used to store the minor revisons information for any object
EGO_MTL_CATALOG_GRP_VERS_BThis table holds Item Catalog Category Versions data.
EGO_MTL_SY_ITEMS_CHG_BThis table is used to store Pending Changes information for the Items
EGO_MTL_SY_ITEMS_CHG_TLThis table is used to store Pending Changes Translatable information for the Items
EGO_MTL_SY_ITEMS_EXT_BBase table on EGO side to store user defined attributes
EGO_MTL_SY_ITEMS_EXT_TLTL table on EGO side to store user defined attributes
EGO_MY_ITEMSTable used to store favorite items of users.
EGO_OBJ_AG_ASSOCS_BTable contains Object to Attribute group associations
EGO_OBJ_ROLE_MAPPINGSTable contains Mapping between different object roles
EGO_OBJ_TYPE_LIFECYCLESThis table stores the lifecycles associated with an object - catalog_group, structure_type or relationship_type
EGO_OBJECT_EXT_TABLES_BTable contains the name of the tables for storing the attribute data for the given object
EGO_OBJECT_LOCKThis table store the locking history of the object and is used to find the Lock information of object
EGO_OBJTYPE_ATTACH_CATSThis table is used to store object type - attachment category associations.
EGO_ODI_WS_ENTITIESThis table stores List of primary key identifiers for an entity to be published
EGO_PAGE_ENTRIES_BThis table contains the Entries in a User-Defined Page
Item Catalog Category Page Entries before loading this information into
Oracle Advanced Product Catalog.
This table contains user friendly columns which allow you to easil
EGO_PAGES_BThis table stores information about User-Defined Pages
EGO_PAGES_INTERFACEEGO_PAGES_INTERFACE temporarily stores the definitions for
Item Catalog Category Pages before loading this information into
Oracle Advanced Product Catalog.
This table contains user friendly columns which allow you to easily
enter your da
EGO_PAGES_TLThis table stores transalatable information about User-Defined Pages
EGO_PRODUCT_CAT_SET_EXTThis table is used to store sales and marketing attribute group values for product catalog
EGO_PUB_WS_FLAT_RECSThis table stores all entities to be published as output xml for a given xml input.
EGO_PUB_WS_OUTPUTThis table stores output xml for a webservice call.
EGO_REPORT_DELIVERABLESThis table is used to store Deliverable Task information for the Report
EGO_REPORT_LIST_ENTRIESThis table is used to store Report List Entries
EGO_REPORT_LISTS_BThis table is used to store Report List information
EGO_REPORT_LISTS_TLThis table is used to store launguage specific information for Report List
EGO_REPORTSThis table is used to store Report information
EGO_RESULTS_FMT_USAGESTable containing Result format usages. This is internal use only.
EGO_RULE_ASSIGNMENTSThis table stores the entity;action to which a Ruleset is assigned
EGO_RULE_ATTRIBUTE_USAGESThis table stores the attributes that are refered/used in a rule
EGO_RULE_SETS_BThis table is used to store the Ruleset metadata.
EGO_RULE_SETS_TLThis table is used to store the translatable entries in Ruleset metadata.
EGO_SKU_VARIANT_ATTR_USAGESThis table stores the concatenated value of all variant attributes for a SKU item
EGO_SOURCE_SYSTEM_EXTThis table stores additional information about source system
EGO_STYLE_VARIANT_ATTR_VSThis table stores the value set used by each style item for each variant attribute
EGO_SUBTABThis table is obsolete
EGO_SUPPLIERSITE_TMPThis table is used to store the search results of supplier/sites during item association creation
EGO_TAB_SETUPThis table is obsolete
EGO_TEMPL_ATTRIBUTESTable contains the value entered for attributes in templates
EGO_TRANS_ATTR_VERS_BThis table stores the transaction attribute values for an item.
EGO_TRANS_ATTRS_VERS_INTFThis is an interface table to store TA
EGO_UCCNET_ADD_CIC_INFOThis table contains the Additional Information sent by UCCnet for CIC message.
EGO_UCCNET_BASELINESThis table records snapshots of the last set of UCC registration attributes; it is used to determine if a current registration action is a Correct or a Change
EGO_UCCNET_EVENTSThis table stores the events which are triggered by users to send messages to UCCnet
EGO_UOM_MAPPING_MASTERThis table is used to store UOM Mapping for a given Source System.
EGO_UOM_MAPPING_ROWSThis table is used to store mapping row for each UOM.
EGO_USER_RULES_BThis table is used to store the individual rules metadata.
EGO_USER_RULES_TLThis table is used to store the translatable entries in Rule metadata.
EGO_VALUE_SET_EXTThis table is used to capture parent-child relationships between value sets.
EGO_VS_VALUES_DISP_ORDERThis table is used to store the display order for value set values
EGO_XML_SCHEMA_DEFINITIONSThis table is used to store XML Schema Definitions.
MTL_ITEM_CAT_GRPS_INTERFACEInterface table for Item Catalog Category header information




Advanced Product Catalog Views:

EGO_ACTIONS_VThis view contains information about User-Defined Actions.
EGO_ACTION_DISPLAYS_VThis view contains particulars for UI interface for the actions
EGO_ACTION_GROUPS_VView contains information regarding User-Defined Actions Groups. (This table is obsolete)
EGO_ALL_ATTR_BASE_VEach rov of this view displays all the information (values) associated with base and user-defined attributes for a given item.
EGO_ALL_ATTR_LANG_VEach rov of this view displays all language translated information  associated with base and user-defined attributes for a given item.
EGO_ATTRS_VView contains metadata information about User-Defined Attributes.
EGO_ATTR_GROUPS_VView contains metadata information about User-Defined Attribute Groups.
EGO_ATTR_GROUP_OBJ_IDS_VView contains all the User-Defined Attribute Groups associated to an Object.
EGO_ATTR_GROUP_TYPES_VView contains metadata information about User-Defined Attribute Group Types.
EGO_ATTR_GROUP_TYPE_OBJ_IDS_VView contains all the User-Defined Attribute Group Types  associated to an Object.
EGO_CATALOG_GROUPS_VView on Item Catalog Categories.
EGO_CATG_MAP_HDRS_VLView for Category Mappings.
EGO_COMPANIES_VView contains all the Companies; Customer, Vendor and Internal
EGO_CRITERIA_TEMPLATES_VThis view shows all of the criteria templates that have been defined
EGO_CRITERIA_VThis stores all of the criteria asociated with the criteria templates
EGO_CUSTOMER_COMPANY_VView contains all the Customer Companies.
EGO_CUSTOMER_PEOPLE_VView contains all the Customer People.
EGO_DATA_LEVEL_VLThis view gives the complete information of the data level metadata.
EGO_FINANCIAL_REPORTING_AGVThis view is used to retrieve sales and marketing attribute group values for product catalog
EGO_FP_DATA_TYPES_VView with Function Parameter types.
EGO_FUNCTIONS_VView contains information about User-Defined Functions.
EGO_FUNC_PARAMS_VView contains information about User-Defined Functions - Function Parameters.
EGO_GROUPS_VView contains all the Groups.
EGO_GROUP_MEMBERS_VThis view contains the group member information
EGO_GTIN_ATTRS_TL_VView for single row translated gtin attributes
EGO_GTIN_ATTRS_VThis view contains GTINs and all GDSN attributes (Single-row only). This view is used to send RCIR messages.
EGO_GTIN_BARCODE_ATTRS_VView for bar code gtin attributes
EGO_GTIN_COLOR_ATTRS_VView for Color description gtin attributes
EGO_GTIN_COUNTRY_ORGN_VView for Country of origin gtin attributes
EGO_GTIN_DELIVERY_METHOD_VView for Delivery Method Indicator GTIN attribute
EGO_GTIN_HAND_INF_ATTRS_VView for Handling information gtin attributes
EGO_GTIN_HARMONIZED_ID_VView for harmonized tariff system identification gtin attributes
EGO_GTIN_HAZMAT_ATTRS_VView for Hazardous information gtin attributes
EGO_GTIN_MFG_ATTRS_VView for Manufacturing information gtin attributes
EGO_GTIN_SIZE_DESC_VView for Size description gtin attributes
EGO_GTIN_TP_ATTRS_VView for Trading partner specific gtin attributes
EGO_GTIN_UCCNET_HIER_ATTRS_VThis view contains GTINs and all GDSN attributes (Single-row only). This view is used to send CIN messages.
EGO_GTN_ATTR_CHG_VLThis view stores pending changes information for GDSN single row attributes
EGO_GTN_MUL_ATTR_CHG_VLThis view stores the pending changes information for GDSN multi row attributes
EGO_IMPORT_BATCHES_VLThis view contains information about batches
EGO_IMPORT_BATCH_DETAILS_VThis view contains all details of a batch.
EGO_INTERNAL_COMPANY_VView contains all the Internal Companies.
EGO_INTERNAL_PEOPLE_VView contains all the Internal People.
EGO_ITEMS_ATTRS_CHANGES_VLVL View that holds the data for item attributes which is to be implemented or is already implemented through a change order
EGO_ITEMS_VThis view provides item attributes used for UCCNet product synchronization
EGO_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES_VView for getting the control levels of Item Attributes.
EGO_ITEM_GTIN_VView for item gtin details
EGO_ITEM_GTN_ATTRS_VLView for single row gtin attributes
EGO_ITEM_ICVItem Classification View (ICV) for Items.
EGO_ITEM_MAIN_ATTRS_VView for getting the Primary Item Attributes
EGO_ITEM_MINOR_REVISIONS_VView for minor revisons information for any object.
EGO_ITEM_OCVObject Classification View (OCV) for Item
EGO_ITEM_STATUS_VThis view is used for Item Status details.
EGO_ITEM_SYNC_OP_VThis View is used for Item Sync operations with external systems. Currently this is being used for ItemSync with Siebel OnPremise
EGO_ITEM_SYNC_VThis View is used for Item Sync operations with external systems. Currently this is being used for ItemSync with Siebel
EGO_ITEM_TP_ATTRS_EXT_VLThis view stores the Trading Partner specific attribute values for an Item. This table is used in UCCnet Industry extensions.
EGO_ITMATTR_APPL_USGS_VView contains all the Attribute Groups enabled for an application.
EGO_ITM_GTN_MUL_ATTRS_VLView for multi row gtin attributes
EGO_MAPPINGS_VView contains the mapping data for attribute to parameter mapping of a function
EGO_MTL_SY_ITEMS_CHG_VLThis view stores the pending changes information for item operational attributes
EGO_MTL_SY_ITEMS_EXT_VLVL View for Item User Defined Attributes
EGO_OBJ_ATTR_GRP_ASSOCS_VView contains Attribute Group to Object Association
EGO_PAGES_VView contains the User-Defined Pages
EGO_PAGE_ENTRIES_VView contains the entries for User-Defined Pages
EGO_PARTY_SITE_GLN_VThis view contains Customers and their GLNs.
EGO_PEOPLE_VThis view contains the people information
EGO_PERSON_COMPANY_VView contains Person to Company information
EGO_PROD_CAT_SALES_MARKET_AGVThis view is used to retrieve sales and marketing attribute group values for product catalog
EGO_REPORT_LISTS_VLThis view is a multi-lingual view on the Report Lists tables
EGO_RESULTS_FORMAT_COLUMNS_VThis view stores all of the results columns associated with all of the results formats
EGO_RESULTS_FORMAT_SECTIONS_VThis view stores all of the results sections associated with all of the results formats
EGO_RESULTS_FORMAT_VThis is a view of all of the results formats
EGO_ROLES_VView contains all the Roles defined
EGO_ROLE_DETAILS_VView contains the Role Details
EGO_ROLE_PRIVILEGES_VView contains all the privileges defined for Role
EGO_RULE_SETS_VLthis view contains the ruleset metadata
EGO_STAT_ATTRIB_VALUES_VView for getting the status controlled attribute values for Item Attributes.
EGO_SYS_ITEM_EXT_LANG_VView contains Item User-Defined Attribute Group data with langauge and Attribute group Type
EGO_USER_RULES_VLthis view contains the rule metadata
EGO_USER_VView contains the user and party information
EGO_VALIDATION_TABLE_INFO_VView contains information for Value Set for table type
EGO_VALUE_SETS_VThis view contains the value sets supported in EGO Application
EGO_VALUE_SET_FORMAT_CODES_VView contains formay codes supported for Value Sets
EGO_VALUE_SET_VALUES_VThis view contains the value set values supported in EGO Application
EGO_VENDOR_COMPANY_VVendor - Company View.
EGO_VENDOR_PEOPLE_VView contains all the Vendor People.
EGO_VENDOR_VThis view is used to store the vendor ids against supplier contacts
EGO_VS_DISPLAY_CODES_VThis view contains the applicable display codes for Value Sets supported in EGO Application
EGO_VS_FORMAT_CODES_VThis view contains the applicable format codes for Value Sets supported in EGO Application
EGO_VS_VALIDATION_CODES_VThis view contains the applicable validation codes for Value Sets supported in EGO Application


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