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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How to delete an item from item master (Inventory)

The document gives the Standard Operating procedure for deleting an item from the item master. Items can only be deleted if the item does not have any pending transactions.

Login to Oracle. Go to the responsibility that has the delete functionality.
Click on Delete Items.
Select the organization whose item(s) has(ve) to be deleted.
The Deletion Groups form opens. Now enter a deletion group name.
Enter an item.
Save the data.
Now the form becomes read-only. Click on Check Group button.
A popup message appears. Go to View > Requests and click on Find requests. You will find the request.
Click on View Output button.
The output shows success. Close this web browser and click on View Log button.
The log shows the queries used by Oracle to check the deletion group.
Now go back to the Deletion Group form. Click on Delete Group button.
A popup message giving the request id of the delete program is displayed. Go to View > Requests and click on Find Requests.
You will find the request. Note that the first request was for Check Group and the 2nd is for Delete Group. Click on View Output button. Only the parameters passed to the same program differs.
Close this web browser. On the same form click on View Log button.
The queries which were used for validating deletion are displayed. I have enclosed the full log in the word document as it is too big to place it in the article.Delete item log
Now go back to the Deletion Group form and requery the record.
Now click on Results tab.
Now we find that the item deletion ended with an error. Click the Errors button.
The reason for error is given here. Click on View Constraint button.
The Deletion Constraints form is now displayed. You can check the constraints on this form to identify what query is used by Oracle to decide whether the item can be deleted or not.
Let us add another item to the Deletion Group. This is a newly created item on which there is no pending transaction.
We shall go through the same process as before. At the end of the process we find,
The new item has been deleted. If you search for this item in Item master you will not find it.

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