fat.application_name application_name,
fat.application_short_name appl_short_name,
fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name concurrent_program_name,
-- fcpt.language,
-- xddt.language,
-- flv.language,
fcp.concurrent_program_name concurrent_program_short_name,
fcp.output_file_type output_type,
fe.executable_name executable_name,
flv.meaning execution_method_type,
fat1.application_name executable_application_name,
fat1.application_short_name executable_appl_short_name,
xddt.data_source_name data_definition_name,
xtb.template_code template_code,
xtb.template_type_code template_type,
xl.file_content_type file_content,
xl.file_name rtf_file_name,
(SELECT user_name
FROM fnd_user
WHERE user_id = xtb.created_by)
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcpt,
fnd_concurrent_programs fcp,
fnd_executables fe,
fnd_application_vl fat,
fnd_application_vl fat1,
fnd_lookup_values flv,
xdo_ds_definitions_tl xddt,
xdo_templates_b xtb,
xdo_lobs xl
WHERE fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcpt.concurrent_program_id
AND fat.application_id = fcpt.application_id
AND fcp.executable_id = fe.executable_id
AND fcp.executable_application_id = fe.application_id
AND fat1.application_id = fe.application_id
AND xddt.data_source_code(+) = fcp.concurrent_program_name
AND flv.lookup_type(+) = 'CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE'
AND flv.lookup_code(+) = fe.execution_method_code
AND xtb.data_source_code(+) = xddt.data_source_code
AND xl.lob_code(+) = xtb.template_code
AND xl.lob_type(+) = 'TEMPLATE_SOURCE'
AND flv.enabled_flag = 'Y'
AND fcp.output_file_type = 'XML'
AND fcp.enabled_flag = 'Y'
AND NVL (flv.end_date_active, SYSDATE) >= SYSDATE
AND UPPER (fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name) LIKE 'SA%INVOICE%'
AND fcpt.language = 'US'
AND xddt.language = 'US'
and flv.language='US';
--AND fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name=:p_concurrent_program_name;
Happy New Year 2023...! This is a blog for Oracle ERP lovers. BLOG - Begin Learning Oracle with Girish. :-)
OracleEBSpro is purely for knowledge sharing and learning purpose, with the main focus on Oracle E-Business Suite Product and other related Oracle Technologies.
I'm NOT responsible for any damages in whatever form caused by the usage of the content of this blog.
I share my Oracle knowledge through this blog. All my posts in this blog are based on my experience, reading oracle websites, books, forums and other blogs. I invite people to read and suggest ways to improve this blog.
I share my Oracle knowledge through this blog. All my posts in this blog are based on my experience, reading oracle websites, books, forums and other blogs. I invite people to read and suggest ways to improve this blog.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
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