Stores information about the sets of books you define in your
Oracle General Ledger application. Each row includes the set of books name,
description, functional currency, and other information. This table corresponds
to the Set of Books form.
Stores individual transactions from subledgers that have been
summarized into Oracle General Ledger journal entry lines through the Journal
Import process. You can specify the journal entry sources for which you want to
maintain your transaction’s origin by entering ’Yes’ in the Import Journal
References field of the Journal Sources form.
For each source that has Import Journal References set to ’Yes’,
Oracle General Ledger will populate GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES with one record for
each transaction in your feeder system.
Stores the daily conversion rates for foreign currency
transactions. It replaces the GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_RATES table. It stores the
rate to use when converting between two currencies for a given conversion date
and conversion type. Each row in this table has a corresponding inverse row in
which the from and to currencies are switched.
For example, if this table contains a row with a from_currency of
YEN, a to_currency of CND, a conversion_type of Spot, and a conversion_date of
January 1, 1997, it will also contain a row with a from_currency of CND, a
to_currency of YEN, a conversion_type of Spot, and a conversion_date of January
1, 1997.
In general, this row will contain a rate that is the inverse of
the matching row. One should never insert directly into this table. They should
instead insert into the DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE table. Data inserted into the
GL_DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE table will be automatically copied into this table.
Stores the journal entry lines
that you enter in the Enter Journals form. There is a one–to–many relationship
between journal entries and journal entry lines. Each row in this table stores
the associated journal entry header ID, the line number, the associated code
combination ID, and the debits or credits associated with the journal line.
STATUS is ’U’ for unposted or ’P’ for posted.
Stores information about the
accounting periods you define using the Accounting Calendar form. Each row
includes the start date and end date of the period, the period type, the fiscal
year, the period number, and other information. There is a one–to–many
relationship between a row in the GL_PERIOD_SETS table and rows inthis table.
Stores journal entries. There is a one–to–many relationship
between journal entry batches and journal entries. Each row in this table
includes the associated batch ID, the journal entry name and description, and
other information about the journal entry. This table corresponds to the
Journals window of the Enter Journals form. STATUS is ’U’ for unposted, ’P’ for
posted. Other statuses indicate that an error condition was found.
CONVERSION_FLAG equal to ’N’ indicates that you manually changed a converted amount
in the Journal Entry Lines zone of a foreign currency journal entry. In this
case, the posting program does not re–convert your foreign amounts. This can
happen only if your user profile option MULTIPLE_RATES_PER_JE is ’Yes’.
BALANCING_SEGMENT_VALUE is null if there is only one balancing segment value in
your journal entry. If there is more than one, BALANCING_SEGMENT_VALUE is the
greatest balancing segment value in your journal entry.
Stores journal entry batches. Each row includes the batch name,
description, status, running total debits and credits, and other information.
This table corresponds to the Batch window of the Enter Journals form. STATUS
is ’U’ for unposted, ’P’ for posted, ’S’ for selected, ’I’ for in the process
of being posted. Other values of status indicate an error condition.
STATUS_VERIFIED is ’N’ when you create or modify an unposted journal entry
The posting program changes STATUS_VERIFIED to ’I’ when posting is
in process and ’Y’ after posting is complete.
Stores actual, budget, and encumbrance balances for detail and
summary accounts. This table stores functional currency, foreign currency, and
statistical balances for each accounting period that has ever been opened.
ACTUAL_FLAG is either ’A’, ’B’, or ’E’ for actual, budget, or
encumbrance balances, respectively. If ACTUAL_FLAG is ’B’, then
is required.
GL_BALANCES stores period activity for an account in the
PERIOD_NET_DR and PERIOD_NET_CR columns. The table stores the period beginning
An account’s year–to–date balance is calculated as
summary foreign currency balances that are the result of posted foreign
currency journal entries have TRANSLATED_FLAG set to ’R’, to indicate that the
row is a candidate for revaluation.
For foreign currency rows, the begin balance and period net
columns contain the foreign currency balance, while the begin balance and
period net BEQ columns contain the converted functional currency balance.
Detail foreign currency balances that are the result of foreign currency
translation have TRANSLATED_FLAG set to ’Y’ or ’N’. ’N’ indicates that the
translation is out of date (i.e., the account needs to be re–translated). ’Y’
indicates that the translation is current.
Summary foreign currency balances that are the result of foreign
currency translation have TRANSLATED_FLAG set to NULL. All summary account
balances have TEMPLATE_ID not NULL. The columns that end in ADB are not used.
Also, the REVALUATION_STATUS column is notused.
Stores valid account combinations foreach Accounting Flexfield
structure within your Oracle General Ledger application. Associated with each
account are certain codes and flags, including whether the account is enabled,
whether detail posting ordetail budgeting is allowed, and others. Segment
values are stored in the SEGMENT columns. Note that each Accounting Flexfield
structure may use different SEGMENT columns within the table to store the
flexfield value combination. Moreover, the SEGMENT columns that are used are
not guaranteed to be in any order. The Oracle Application Object Library table
FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS stores information about which column in this table is
used for each segment of each Accounting Flexfield structure. Summary accounts
have SUMMARY_FLAG = ’Y’ and TEMPLATE_ID not NULL. Detail accounts have
ReplyDeleteSridevi Koduru (Senior Oracle Apps Trainer Oracleappstechnical.com)
Please Contact for One to One Online Training on Oracle Apps Technical, Financials, SCM, SQL, PL/SQL, D2K at sridevikoduru@oracleappstechnical.com | +91 - 9581017828.